An Update on My Life

Hi everyone!

So yesterday, I got pretty bored seeing as I had nothing to really do, except clean everything like crazy according to mum. I thought that would be a good time to start looking into careers and paths I want to go down. I realised that I love reading and writing for pleasure, and came across a Journalism course. Now here in Australia, I am not a big fan of university due to the costs and the guarantee of struggling to find a job in the area you studied after coming out at least 4 years later. I also looked up jobs in each category online in areas I am currently living close to, and others where I plan to move to in the future. Of course where I am right now, the only jobs available are retail.

I looked into the journalism thing and the jobs and a lot of them of course require you to have done a certain course so you know what you are doing and know the law, and also want that classic experience. I still have some thinking to do, but at least I am working out what areas are worth looking into and what aren’t.

I also have a boyfriend now, we went on our first date 2 weeks ago and it was great, other than a friend who kept texting me the entire time. We went out for dinner at a chicken burger shop because we were hungry and I was glad it wasn’t anything too formal otherwise I would be a nervous wreck and be all awkward and the date would have sucked. The next day he was meeting my parents and my friend who kept texting the night before. My friend gave her approval and my parents still aren’t too sure, but what parents aren’t a bit too cautious when their daughter brings a boy over. Everyone else I have told about him approved as well, so that’s a bonus. I can’t wait to see him again and am very lucky to have him in my life.

Still working on getting my P’s, but we have found a driving school that seems right for me which I still have to call back but being shy doesn’t really help in that situation even though I have gotten better over the years with my shyness haha.

And other than that not too much else has happened. I hope you are all having a lovely day/night wherever you are in the world, sorry for not blogging as much over the past few months but as we all know, life just happens.

Much love, TheLittleCornerDiary x

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